Sunday, April 8, 2012

Coldest Beer In Town

      I see signs all the time at stores that they have the coldest beer in town.  This pisses me off.  Beer freezes at 28 degrees Fahrenheit.  I don't want a frozen beer.  So if their beer is frozen than they probably have the coldest beer in town but most people just want a cold beer.  I appreciate bars and stores that sell me beer.  I don't believe that you have to say you have the coldest beer just sell me beer.  Even if it's hot I'll buy it, a beer whisperer secret is that if you have a hot beer you can spin it on a bed of ice for 2 minutes and it will be cold.  Stores out there if you are listening just say this "we have beer", i promise people will come.  And always remember this put beer on ice if you can good times will follow. 

Drunkenly yours,
Beer Whisperer

1 comment:

  1. First off Beer Whisperer I have to say that I honestly feel that you are doing the Lord's work here. Keep it up!

    I love a beer from a cooler full of ice, or better yet when it's a mix of ice and freezing water and you get frostbite on your hand but it's worth because your beer is super cold....but not frozen.
